Ramp managers play a vital role in keeping flights on schedule, maintaining safety standards, and supporting the complex operations of airports. They serve as crucial coordinators of vehicles and personnel on the airfield, ensuring seamless flight turnarounds and smooth passenger experiences.

Moonware’s HALO supports ramp managers in their responsibilities by offering immediate access to key operational tools, including automated crew dispatching, equipment allocation, and a detailed, real-time map of all assets on the airfield.

Accessible via tablet, HALO streamlines ramp managers’ duties throughout the day: 

Logging In Upon Arrival
Upon arrival at the airport, ramp managers log into HALO and are presented with the Dashboard. This interface provides a comprehensive overview of flight schedules, personnel assignments, and real-time alerts regarding changes on the airfield, such as weather conditions and equipment malfunctions. This immediate access to critical information enables ramp managers to efficiently assess the current situation in the airfield and respond to evolving needs, ensuring smooth operations throughout the day.


Airport service operations and ramp manager at JFK using HALO.


Managing a Late Arrival
Mid-morning, a flight arrives later than scheduled, creating a domino effect that impacts the turnaround operation to get the flight ready for its next departure. Leveraging HALO, the ramp manager swiftly reallocates ground staff and equipment to expedite the servicing of the delayed aircraft. HALO’s real-time updates allow the manager to closely monitor progress, ensuring that the next flight departs on schedule despite the initial delay.

Team Coordination and Deployment
A key responsibility of ramp managers is coordinating their team. Using HALO, tasks and resources are automatically and dynamically allocated to enhance efficiency on the airfield. The system intelligently links personnel with nearby equipment to optimize flight servicing. Managers can also manually approve tasks before dispatch, ensuring smooth operations and preventing delays.

Responding to Equipment Malfunction
Later in the day, a baggage loader breaks down. Ramp managers are able to report the malfunction through HALO, which sends a notification to the maintenance shop. Using HALO’s interactive map, the manager locates a backup loader nearby and dispatches it to the scene. The broken equipment is tagged for repair, and operations continue with minimal disruption.

Communication and Coordination
Centralized communication is crucial in the fast-paced environment of airport ground operations. HALO’s chat feature ensures ramp managers stay connected with their team in real-time. When a catering truck is delayed due to airfield congestion, the manager uses HALO to see the vehicle’s location, and then texts the ground crew to adjust their schedules to prevent a delay, all on the same platform. This streamlined communication system keeps crew members well-informed and facilitates efficient coordination, ensuring operations run smoothly throughout the day.


Airplane being boarded and serviced at airport.


Post-Shift Analysis and Reporting
At the end of the day, ramp managers review turnaround efficiency and performance metrics using HALO’s detailed reporting tools. The platform provides comprehensive data insights on all aspects of the turn, enabling managers to identify areas for improvement and enhance future operations. This continuous analysis ensures that the team is prepared to meet the challenges of the next day.

With HALO, the day-to-day complexities of airport operations are simplified, and the role of ramp managers becomes optimized for the dynamic airport environment.