
C2 software platform for automated airbase operations management

NOVA is a modular system adaptable to the various types of airbase requirements. NOVA’s proprietary optimizer fuses real-time flight data, vehicle & AGE telemetry and airmen tasks to generate optimal aircraft service missions in real-time. NOVA improves aircraft availability with automated flightline task scheduling & dispatching and quantifies AGE utility to proactively optimize fleet allocation.
NOVA positions airmen & equipment in real-time according to scheduled & unscheduled mission changes. It will declutter the ramp by dynamically positioning AGE to reduce risk of foreign object damage (FOD) & accidents.

NOVA for

Provides real-time updates on crucial information including mission events, maintenance schedules, and operational alerts. This streamlined interface keeps airmen and crews informed and responsive, enhancing their ability to support mission readiness and base operations.

Offers a focused operations panel for monitoring aircraft maintenance and crew assignments. Crew chiefs can efficiently manage their resources, ensuring aircraft are mission-ready and personnel are effectively deployed, aligning with operational goals.

Integrates maintenance management and logistical support into a single platform, providing a clear overview of aircraft service status and flightline responsiveness. MOC facilitates coordinated efforts to maintain operational readiness, supporting mission requirements and base functionality.

Provides a unified dashboard for managing base operations, logistical operations, and support services across an entire Wing. Wing & mission support groups experience enhanced resource coordination and support, ensuring operational readiness and base functionality.

Yields the most strategic overview of airbase operations, personnel, and resources across the Command network. Leaders are informed of all network-level events for critical decision-making and planning, allowing for quick adaptation to operational demands, ensuring mission success and operational integrity across any theater.

Interested in optimizing your Airbase?

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